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Open spaces: Using an asset database for easier field job management

2 min read

Managing grounds maintenance contracts involves many moving parts – more often than not, there are hundreds of jobs and fixed assets like parks, grounds and equipment in addition to a large workforce of groundsmen, landscapers and arborists to complete the work. Without the help of a customisable database to store all information for each asset, the dispatcher faces an almost impossible daily task setting the job run and workers are often on the back foot out on site due to inadequate information when they’re on the move.

Now, it's easy to create a database of asset information which will make everyone’s life better. The database will allow you to record what you need for each asset – for example, “Auckland Park is 250m2, is closed on Saturday and Sunday mornings due to sports being played and needs to be mowed every fortnight during summer months. And watch out there is poor drainage in the SW corner!” This information means it’s easy to know what is needed and when, track job activity and automatically schedule jobs. This information makes dispatchers and field workers are more efficient!


Get underway in 3 simple steps 

  1. Set database fields as you need.

We know that every business is different – so that’s why we’ve created a database with a combination of fixed and highly customisable fields for each asset, so that you can tailor them exactly to your needs. This kind of flexibility means that you can have all the information needed at your fingertips, without compromise.

This is where is where the power of assets really comes into play – imagine being able to tag specific assets as only being able to be serviced by field workers with specific qualifications, for example.

  1. Import your data.

You import your data in CSV format. Once you have your file set up, a simple upload is all you need and you can be up and running in ten minutes. And if need help with matching columns to fields, there is a handy wizard to keep you on track.  

  1. Add photos, if you like.

Pictures speak a thousand words – and in this case, a photo of the asset can remove any sense of doubt that a field worker is working at the correct site. Loading up photos for each asset is managed by a quick wizard.

Now you are ready to use vWork's repeating jobs functionality to automate the dispatching of thousands of repeating jobs.

Find out why vWork is ideal for open spaces management.