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vWork State of the Fleet 2024 Survey  Results

2 min read
11 November 2024

Earlier this year we conducted a survey of fleet owners in New Zealand. The sample was taken partly in person, partly on line and represented a cross section of organizations that run their own fleets from right across the country.  It was not determined to be a statistically relevant sample but more an opportunity to get some market understanding across a range of issues. Here are the results. 

State of Fuel

Despite all the promotion and noise around EV and Hydrogen powered vehicles over the last few years - we are still only seeing the early adopters moving ~18%.  The majority are taking a ‘wait and see’ stance with a relatively strong ‘not-fit-for-purpose’ sentiment for those in long haulage or carrying heavy loads. 

State of Fuel

This is however, at relative odds, with around 85% of the market being negatively impacted by fluctuating fuel prices - with nearly 40% seeing this as significant. This is leading to a move to look to maximise fuel usage through encouraging better driving practice, better vehicle maintenance and improved route optimization.


State of Drivers

The vast majority of the market - over 70% - are finding it harder to get drivers and a further 15% believe it is pretty much impossible. This in turn is driving businesses in corresponding numbers to increasingly turn to contract drivers. That is either on a permanent basis or to fill gaps on a regular or occasional basis.  

State of Drivers

This completely aligns with what we are hearing around an aging workforce, low uptake on training and trying driving conditions (long hours, difficult road conditions and physically demanding work) having an impact. While we wait for training to catch up with demand it looks as though the trend to ‘leaning’ on contractors will continue and businesses need to look for ways to make it as easy as possible for new contractors to pick up their delivery processes.


State of Operations

Given the revenue leakage we understand happens from fraudulent returns it was no surprise that 76% saw proof of delivery as being a priority.  What is surprising was that relatively few appear to be using software to solve this issue - with just 45% having a solution to hand.  

State of Operations

We were really pleased, however, to see the number of respondents deploying technology across their business - many of those we spoke to were doing the joined up thinking of deploying integrated specialist apps versus looking for a ‘one solution to fix it all’ approach.

If you would like a copy of the survey please access it here: 2024 STATE OF THE FLEET SURVEY NZ