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Pruning complexity from open spaces management

Take control of all your jobs, record proof of completion and reroute crews when bad weather hits.

vWork is cloud-based job scheduling software designed for companies managing open spaces and environments. It simplifies complex dispatch operations handling hundreds of jobs, assets, sites and workers (and the odd rainy day).

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Manage complex job dispatch, easily

The built-in smart functions in vWork removes the complexity of job scheduling. Say goodbye to manually scheduling jobs that are repeated every week or month, managing paper-based records of job completion and ineffective route planning. 

Using vWork, dispatchers and operations managers can:

  • Use the drag and drop function to allocate jobs to field worker schedules. Quickly identify any gaps and schedule additional jobs by location or skillset.
  • Use rule-based fields to set and forget repeating jobs. For example, annual maintenance contracts are set up once and then the recurring associated jobs are scheduled automatically as far in advance as you need.
  • Optimize route planning to take the guesswork out of driving between jobs and reduces fuel usage.

Real time information 

Knowing exactly where your field workers are and giving them smart tools that work hand-in-hand with vWork scheduling software gives environmental management businesses a productivity boost.

  • Easy-to-use apps make it easy for field workers to see their scheduled jobs, record job data (such as before and after photos or signatures to record job completion for SLAs), health and safety needs and get directions to the next job – all on mobiles and tablets.
  • Using required custom fields, technicians must complete all the tasks or steps associated with a job before the app will allow them to close a job. 
  • Real time information sharing means that as dispatchers change the job schedule in the office, field workers are notified seamlessly. This is perfect for when there is a change to the regular job route due to poor weather for example.
  • And the in-app messaging means that field workers and dispatchers are in contact when it matters.

"With vWork software, we know that we can easily scale when we take on another large open spaces contract. We're really pleased with how this software works for us and our customers."

Landscape Solutions Manager

"Using photos and timestamps, our field crews are able to record evidence of job completion against each job easily. With vWork, we know we are exceeding our target of 95% for all ad hoc jobs. Nothing beats this immediacy."

Brodie Bell, Technology Business Partner, Nelmac

"This kind of two-way data flow between our clients and vWork means that Nelmac can be highly customer focused and schedule jobs immediately. It also has a flow-on effect for client's customer satisfaction ratings too. It really is a win-win for everyone."

Brodie Bell, Technology Business Partner, Nelmac

See how Landscape Solutions uses vWork to manage thousands of job and assets and hundreds of workers each month.

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