Schedule and dispatch
Drag and drop jobs onto a mobile worker’s schedule.
Plan work days ahead
Understand your daily schedule, plan work out weeks ahead and minimize downtime in your mobile worker’s schedule.
Template your workflow
Define and customize the workflows and tasks exactly as you need.
Always on visibility
Keep tabs on all your jobs and where your mobile workers are using the map view.
Automate repeating tasks
Tasks such as reports, customer alerts, updates and invoices are all easily automated.
Automate repeating jobs
Use rules to create repeating jobs as far into the future as you need.
Smart tags for workers
Use tags to identify workers with specific certifications. And then only allocate them to tasks they are qualified to do.
Smart tags for equipment
Use tags to limit the use of equipment
to specific tasks.
Information management
Filter out job data from views so that users can only see work relevant to them.
Stay connected
Keep your mobile workers informed via in-app messaging from within vWork software.
Route optimization
Optimize the route for hundreds of jobs and workers.
Get a daily snapshot of each day including worker utilization statistics.
Job reports
Report on jobs by worker, customer, events, time period and more. And then set them to run automatically.
Exceptions reporting
Know exactly when you are in danger of missing targets with exceptions reporting.
Custom reporting
Create your own custom reports on jobs, staff and other variables.
Deadline reporting
Manage important deadlines by keeping an eye on upcoming SLAs and other accountabilities.
Export your data
Export your data as an Excel or CSV file.
iOS and Android apps
User-friendly apps for tablets and mobiles help workers manage their jobs, record job data, acknowledge safety hazards and more.
If mobile workers' need directions and it's enabled, street by street directions are available.
Proof of service
Record job progress as it happens and include verification as a third-party signature or photo.
Complete jobs the first time
Compulsory fields in a workflow means workers must complete all necessary steps for a job.
Broadcast dispatch
Mobile workers can accept or decline broadcast jobs.
Stay connected
In app messaging keeps mobile workers and dispatchers in touch as needed. And if enabled, field workers can message customers too.
Offline access
Our apps work offline - and sync with vWork software once back online.
Branded customer portal
Your customers can request their own jobs via a branded portal, linked from your website.
Automated customer communications
Your customers can receive automatic delivery updates via SMS and email.
Map view
A live map link in the delivery email and SMS updates customers on field worker location.
Survey your customers
Collect feedback, like Net Promoter Score, from your customers by integrating with Ask Nicely.
Manage obligations
Build into your templates your specific health and safety definitions to meet requirements.
Mitigate risk
Design your workflows so that mobile workers acknowledge risks or concerns before starting each job.
Tags for safety
Keep everyone safe when tagging jobs that must be done by mobile workers with specific qualifications.
Add-ons to grow
Using our advanced API, data is pulled into and out of other cloud hosted business efficiency tools, such as Xero and QuickBooks.
Proven API
Our API makes it smooth running when it's time to write your own integrations.
IoT ready
We're on hand to help you with integrating data from your IoT devices into vWork creating jobs.
Physical security
vWork is hosted in AWS ISO 27001 certified data centers, which include many layers of operational and physical security features.
Data security
Client-facing browser and mobile web traffic is encrypted to AES128+, 256 and TLS1.2. All customer data is secured in AWS data centers.
Data backup
Complete daily backups alongside smaller incremental backups occur throughout each 24 hour period.
Network security
vWork adopts current network security practises to ensure that systems and data are fully protected from unauthorized access.
Credit card security
We don't secure any credit card details on our servers. We use enterprise grade processing partner Chargify to process payments.
All vWork production systems are highly redundant removing any single point of failure.