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vWork Support Options

The right support - at the right time

vWork prides itself on setting an industry standard for support. In every way possible we aim to excel in ensuring all our clients have the information and help they need - when they need it. If none of the options below fit your requirements we will tailor a Premium Support package to fit your specific needs -  including 24/7 coverage.
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Most Comprehensive


Ideal for those requiring more ongoing in-depth technical support.

  • Access to knowledge base
  • Help Desk 9am to 5pm Monday to Sunday - including public holidays
  • Support email response within 1 business hour, 2 hours on weekends and holidays in line with Help Desk hours
  • Up to 10 service tickets OR 8 hours billable time. - billed in 30 minute increments at $150/hour after that
  • Escalation to remote video assistance - with a person - for support resolution
  • Phone support with a person within Help Desk hours
  • Dedicated Account Manager for additional oversight and escalation
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Most Popular


Our most popular support option - provides timely issue resolution.

  • Access to knowledge base
  • Help Desk 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday - including public holidays
  • Support email response within 4 business hours,  8 hours on holidays - in line with Help Desk hours
  • Up to 5 service tickets OR 4 hours billable time. - billed in 30 minute increments at $150/hour after that.
  • Escalation to remote video assistance - with a person - for support resolution
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Free with all vWork licences - basic Help Desk resolution.

  • Access to knowledge base
  • Help Desk 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday - excluding public holidays
  • Support email response within 2 business days in line with Help Desk hours.
  • No service tickets included - all service requests billed in 30 minute increments at $150/hour

All plans include:

Access to knowledge base
Help Desk 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday
Support email response

Not sure what level of support you need?

Let us share with you the support levels other companies of a similar size and nature of work are operating from.  

We have tried to accommodate as wide a range of support options as we can - while making it really simple for you to engage and for us both to manage.

Let's Talk
Find what you need to know

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I change Support Levels?

You can change support levels at any time with your new level taking effect from the first day of the following month.

Support versus critical issues

If an issue is considered to be Severity One (where multiple users are impacted from progressing with important tasks) - irrespective of your support level - these will be dealt with as per our SLA terms and conditions.

When do I start staying for vWork support?

You don’t start paying for your support plan until your vWork account goes live. You have comprehensive support during onboarding and have a dedicated onboarding specialist to take you through the process and address any issues or questions you may have. This is covered in your onboarding fee.

What are Service Tickets and how do they work?

A service ticket is a support request that requires the time of a vWork team member to carry out a change within the client’s vWork account that they could do themselves.  If you can’t do it as a client - then it is an Admin Ticket - which is covered by your contract licence fee.  Service Ticket fees are calculated in 30 minute increments based on a fee of $150/hour +GST - which is invoiced on completion of the ticket.

What public holidays are covered?

Public holiday designation covers national Australian and New Zealand public holidays only. If you are on a Self-Service plan support is not available on these days - irrespective of where your business is located.

How is the fee calculated?

The fee is based on the number of users you have which has a direct relationship with the number of support calls likely to be made. It accounts for the number of users on your annual contract. All fees are charged plus any applicable taxes. Please get in touch for an estimate. Service tickets are billed separately in 30 minute increments depending on the support package you choose.

How does vWork support compare to similar offerings?

As far as we know, vWork is very competitive in terms of the level of support offered at the various price points. The support options are structured to give comprehensive cover relative to an established range of customer needs and sizes. Support can be a very simple thing - like a new user needing some additional training - or something complex that involves a level of development.

What happens if I am late paying?

If you are on a paid plan then you are immediately dropped to the Self-Service level until your outstanding invoice is paid.

Where is vWork based?

vWork has offices in Australia and New Zealand but is looking to expand its footprint as it grows.

Take a look at how vWork can work for you
“We estimate vWork has cut out about 75% of calls per day to our dispatch team as our sales team can answer for themselves exactly when a job will be delivered to a customer.”
Kirthi Chauhan

CFO, Ecolife Solutions

“A challenge has been that many workers used paper-based working but slowly we can see that everyone has adopted vWork and can see the benefits for themselves."
Ashwin Mani

GM, Waireka Group